Pioneer 107 8x issue

Hi I have the 107 at the moment with the firmeware that was posted here (hacked) to make it burn all discs at 8x. The Issue that I am having is that when I go to burn at 8x it (nero) tells me that there has been a power calibratin error and the burn fails.

Now this happend to me when I use some cheap discs like Lazer as well, but my 105 had no issues what so ever (hacked firmware as well) and I have found that the 107 is not as stable as the old drives.

Is there any fireware out that will continue letting me burn at 8x with nero and not cause issues but still remain region free?

Has anyone else had issues with nero and the media I would love to know what burning programs others are using and with what results you are getting as well.

Fat Elvis
power calibration is 99.9% of the time caused by crappy media use better media as poacher suggested :)

altho i tend to stick more at 6x mostly which is just as good :)
Im using Princo 4x but the problem is I used to be able to burn at 6 speed now I cant even burn at that (im using the same spindal as I was when it was burning at 6 speed)
Princo's are in the same crappy class as your Laser disks as well. Your 105 was a max 4x burner so difficult to compare to your 107 thats an 8x burner. Burn at 4x on your 107 and then you can compare 4x with your 105. Genuine Ritek 4x media burns perfectly at 8x from my own experience.

As everyone said above, dont expect to burn 8x on crappy media. Even the author of the patched firmware puts a disclaimer saying it only ALLOWS 8x burning, does NOT guarentee any disks will be writable or playable.
Fat Elvis said:
(im using the same spindal as I was when it was burning at 6 speed)

REGARDLESS of the disks comming from the same spindle they are still not great media so don't expect them to all burn the same and at the same speed :)

If you MUST use cheap media and more often than not you may find that you cannot track down RITEKs then burn at the RATED speed of the media or LESS and you may get lucky with your burns :)


is it harmful to your drive if you update the firmware and hack it to burn 4x discs at 8x? Can i Fook up my drive if i do it wrong?

Please help lol


is there any instructions that show me how to do it? i want to update it but i do not want to fook my drive up...If i did fook it up could i just take it out and then put it back in? Would that reset it?
There is a read me file that comes with the patched firmware. READ IT AT LEAST 2 TIMES, and then to be sure, read it again. Follow EXACTLY what it says and you cant go wrong, take short cuts and you can stuff your drive permantly.
a word of advice from me here is that IF YOU HAVE more than one cdrom device then shut down disconnect the one that you are NOT flashing the firmware this lessens the chances of flashing the wrong drive then CHECK AND RE- CHECK the device name in the firmware batch flash file as per firmware flash instuctions ... if you are STILL IN DOUBT then dont bother ... or find someone thats confident and knows what they are doing to flash the drive :)

REMEMBER ... YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS be WARNED that there is a slight CHANCE THAT IF IT ALL GOES WRONG THEN ITS NOT OUR FAULT we cannot stress that information enough here :)