Hi I have the 107 at the moment with the firmeware that was posted here (hacked) to make it burn all discs at 8x. The Issue that I am having is that when I go to burn at 8x it (nero) tells me that there has been a power calibratin error and the burn fails.
Now this happend to me when I use some cheap discs like Lazer as well, but my 105 had no issues what so ever (hacked firmware as well) and I have found that the 107 is not as stable as the old drives.
Is there any fireware out that will continue letting me burn at 8x with nero and not cause issues but still remain region free?
Has anyone else had issues with nero and the media I would love to know what burning programs others are using and with what results you are getting as well.
Fat Elvis
Now this happend to me when I use some cheap discs like Lazer as well, but my 105 had no issues what so ever (hacked firmware as well) and I have found that the 107 is not as stable as the old drives.
Is there any fireware out that will continue letting me burn at 8x with nero and not cause issues but still remain region free?
Has anyone else had issues with nero and the media I would love to know what burning programs others are using and with what results you are getting as well.
Fat Elvis