Pioneer 106 DVD-burning, Nero stops responding..


New member
I have a irritating problem that I need help with. Nero stops responding when I try to burn a DVD-R. I've tried Princo x4 and now Memorex x4 at different speeds, but problem remains. With Princos x1 it works fine of some reason. Nero always finds the empty media when you perform a disc-info but when you want to simulate or burn your movie / compilation it freezes before it actually starts. Down in the tray it says "checking discs". It's then impossible to shut Nero down with the taskmanager. A forced reboot is the only way. When burning ordinary CDRs there is no problem at all....

I first noticed this problem with the Princo X4 media so I upgraded from firmware 105 to 107 (hacked, regionfree) but that didn't help. Does anyone know a solution to this probelm?

My config;
AMD XP2000+, 640mb RAM, Asus A7V133
Windows 2000 SP3 + full windows update
Pioneer 106 (firmware v107, hacked - region free)
Drives are all set to DMA



New member
hamcom said:
Use the Princos for coasters. :D

Use Ritek DVD-R. Will burn at 4x no probs.

No coasters have been made since I never get so far that the burning actually starts. I bought Memorex x4 since I was told that the Princo's vere crap. Even if the media is crap I think Nero should at least burn something on to the empty disc instead of freezing and beeing unable to shut down.

Normally if nero cant burn to a 'crap' media at a fast speed, ... it usually stops at an error signal saying 'Power Calibration Error' , so will not have scraped the disk. Nero must first get a signal from the burner's laser as to what power setting to set the laser to (gets it from the media code)... if it cant calibrate it aint gunna burn.
Sometimes trying again or slowing the burn speed down will help, but good quality media really is the only way.


New member
I've finally solved the problem. I had the burner connected to the Promise controller (integrated on the A7V133). When I moved it to the secondary channel it worked as it should. This was not a logical solution since it was no problem burning CDRs or Princo X1's before. But now it works and I'm happy :D

Some observations

a) Promise for Hard drives
b) Use Only top media (me I go for Ritek) (reason U may burn to crap media BUT playing it in standalones is another story)
c) If U like Nero fine BUT try Record now max
Duedate said:
I've finally solved the problem. I had the burner connected to the Promise controller (integrated on the A7V133). When I moved it to the secondary channel it worked as it should. This was not a logical solution since it was no problem burning CDRs or Princo X1's before. But now it works and I'm happy :D

I have the same problem as you had, i cant burn dvd-r(w), what did you do, is it some thing you can fix i the system or what ?. Can you tell me what you did ?.
Liteon 411s dvd +-rw.
Dogmann said:
I have the same problem as you had, i cant burn dvd-r(w), what did you do, is it some thing you can fix i the system or what ?. Can you tell me what you did ?.
Liteon 411s dvd +-rw.
I have solved the problem, set it too "poi", not dma.
Merry christmas too all.