pioneer 105 won't burn at 4x :(

hi all

i've got a pionner a05 and it takes 47 mins to burn a full dvdr at 4x & 2x :(

it is set as master on secondary ide channel(no slave on this channel), PIO Mode(this is the only mode i can select)

i have the latest hacked firmware(the one that allows 2x on 1x dvdrs)

i have latest version of nero.

what else can i try :mad:


p.s am using winxp sp1,xp1700,abit kg7 raid mobo,512 ddr ram
hi poacher

i did try the search but couldnt find anything specific :(

i will try with recordmax but i find nero easier to use

the firnware i updated to was the final release of the 2x4all one

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You'd better revise your busmaster drivers- if all you can pick up is PIO mode. The normal burning time is 34 minutes for 1X media, so your total times suggest that the buffer underrun mechanism is most of the times turned on. Finally you can find "easier to use" programs than Nero itself, and probably as bad as Nero- but it's rather difficult to find worse. Personally I had an average of 25% coasters the last time I had the bright idea to test Nero. Not such bad ideas anymore.


I've seen this happen many times with XP. It is prolly a DMA issue which is why it keeps reverting to PIO mode on the drive there is a surefire reg hack that sorts this but I'm damned if I can find it right now.

Try uninstalling the IDE channel that your 105 is installed on and re-booting this may work. I'll have a look around for the fix and will post back if I find it.

As the others have said Nero is not good for DVD burning, are you getting any buffer underruns at all? Are you copying on the fly also?
I use the hacked firmware your using and it works like a charm.

Recording times for 4.30gig movie on the 105 are

56 min at 1x
28 min at 2x
14 min at 4x

So your running at about 1.4x and as said above its the PIO mode that is causing this. I dont run WinXP so I really cant help you fix that problem.

i can now burn at proper speeds.

basically this is what i did...i hope this helps you wardy m8

ok the problem i had was that it wouldnt burn at 2x or 4x and while burning the buffer kept flicking from 12% to 90% :(

so i checked my ide settings and i could choose pio mode or udma mode.

i checked the pioneer book and it said it works on pio mode 4 or udma mode 2.

first of all i installed the latest aspi drivers.

then i checked in the BIOS and made sure all my ide settings were set to AUTO.

then from device settings i uninstalled the ide channel my ao5 is on.

i then re-booted and win xp picked up the ide channel again and reinstalled it.

when i now checked ide settings i now has udma mode 2 instead of just normal udma mode :)

i selected udma mode 2 and all now works fine...i'm so glad as i was ready to smash my a05 to pieces. i can burn at 4x and the buffer stays around 95%

thanx for the tips people :)

p.s i'm still using the latest version of nero and all works ok :D


Good, thought that would fix it and I could not find the reg hack anywhere.

As Poacher said though you are still prolly better off using RNM if you want trouble free DVD burning and total playback compatability on all DVD players. ;)