Pioneer 104 + Promise Raid

Has anyone here had problems with the 104 and the promise ide raid controller on an asus board? I've had problems with the 104 from the start and everything seems to point at the promise controller ( did a clean install of Win2k without raid) which causes the 104 to throw up errors ( cyclic redundacy and function checks)when trying to read dvd's. I have winXP, win98 and win2k installed and the only proper burn i've had was with win2k on a clean install.

Thx in advance
BTW i think this forum is awesome and can't believe i came to this site so many times before and never noticed it !!!

Keep up the good work.
I have a Promise RAID controller on my motherboard but just have my hard drives attached to it. My 104 is primary master on the standard onboard IDE controller and I haven't had any problems so far with this setup.


RAID controllers and regular IDE devices do not mix well. Doesn't matter if it's a Highpoint or Promise. It's best to leave these for Harddrives.

However, depending on your ASUS model there is a possible fix... the Lumberjack BIOS. These BIOS's will change your IDE RAID controller into a ATA133. You will loose all RAID abilities though.

Its in German, but you can find it here:

I have used it on my A7V333 and it works just fine!
Thx but i need the system drives mirroring so i cant afford to lose raid. I have the 104 as a master on ide0 and two drives as master and slave on ide1 at the moment , two drives mirrored on the raid controller and cdrw,hard drive and dat on an advansys uwscsi ( a pretty mixed bag!!). At the moment i'm hoping that two dodgy dvd's have sent me down a blind alley ( doh!) so hopefully the copy i've got will burn right .

Thx anyway.


You are going to continue having problems using this method, dude! Plus, you are slowing down your RAID controller by runnng one channel in RAID configuration and the other in ATA mode.
RAID controllers are only for Hard Drives...anything else and your in for a world full of hurt!!!

Read your manual (or any Mobo manual for that matter that has RAID) "Do not connect any other types of IDE devices to the Promise IDE connectors; they support hard disk drive devices only."

Why can't you put the DVD on the standard ATA controllers? You have 2 you know ;)
Sorry, think we got a few wires crossed there..

The way its setup is this

raid channel 0 >> ide disk
raid channel 1 >> ide disk

ide0 master >> ide disk
ide 0 skave >> ide disk

ide1 master >> dvd104 rw
ide1 slave >> dvd 115 rom

scsi >> cdrw , h/drive, dat

anyway problem is sorted now and was down to my own stupidity and a couple of unreadable disks ( that'll be my next post!! ). When i got it sorted i decided to go against all sense and connect the dvdrom as the slave to the recorder ( experimental !!) and tried an on the fly copy and was amazed to find that it worked!!! I have to conclude that the 104 is an amazing bit of kit and was well worth the bargain £214 delivered that i paid and i also managed to get some dvdrw disk for £1 each....time for a burn frenzy now and thx for the replies.


Glad you got it working...but I'm still not sure where "we got a few wires crossed." Did you mean IDE wires?! ;)

So unless you changed your never had the DVD on the Promise controller (as you stated in your first post)...right?! I'm guessing you meant a "general" conflict and not a connection conflict with your DVD and Promise controller (based on your last post).

Oh well...doesn't matter. The standard IDE channels (as you have now) are your best solution for your DVD. :cool: