pinnacle pro one board

I have just purchased a pinnicle pro one capture board. As soon as I put the pci card in the comp and fire it up comp starts beeping like key board isnt connected. have amd 1.7 gigabyte boatd ga-7vrxp. emails to pinnicle and gigabyte have not been answered they sent mstandard answers but those assumed board let me fire up com. screen shuts down and comp doesnt respond just beeps like crazy. any help. I have a a04 dvd burner.
First check that all your cards (pci and agp) are well inserted, then check that your memory is also well placed.

If you remove the pinnacle card the problem stops?

Try removing all your cards and leaving only the vga card and your new pinnacle card, if you pc works then start adding the rest of your cards one by one (every time you add a card you must let the system load completely and then shut down for the next one so you can be sure there are no conflicts).

Also depending on wich pci slot you put your cards the pc behaves diferent because of the IRQ so pay attention to this too (the best experience I´ve had was putting the audio card in the first pci slot wich is inmediately next to the AGP slot and then all the others, also if you have a SCSI card or an ATA controller it´s recomended that this type of cards be placed on the last pci slot wich is the farest slot from the AGP slot.

If you still have problems please post more specific information about your system.

Good luck
pinnacle and gigabyte

it has been almost a month now and still can not get gigabyte board to work with pinnacle board. pinnacle board works in a slower asus mb setup but cpu, memort etc too slow for video capture.

pinnacle has responded 4-5 times and the final answer was here is a list of approved suppliers have them build a system for you.

gigabyte has been no help and do not respond to emails. I was surprised and wrote to toms hw guide about lack of tech support of board he was given such high review to.


My next set is to blow another $150+ and pick up the asus a7v333 it is listed as a recommended mb on pinnacle site but they dont promise it will work in your system with their board.

by going to other mb web sites I pretty sure beep coade is video board problem. using video board from asus system didnt work either.

any more ideas please post them.
Obviously a major conflict with the Pineapple (Pinnacle) board and your m/b

I have the ASUS A7V333 m/b and have no problems with my Pinnacle VCD Studio card but will be very different board from yours.

Can you try your card in a mates computer just to see if the Card is not faulty. You need to be able to see a system fire up with it in to eliminate that the card is not faulty in the first place. Is your supplier of the card able to test this out for you?

Have you tried using another video card? Check you m/b manual and try diffent PCI slots, particularly ones that do not double up IRQ with you Video card.
Pinnacle board is good

I have an another computer with an asus a7v mb pinnacle capture board works but a lot of drop outs. Pinnacle would take board back if it was defective but it is not. I downloaded all of the latest drivers yesterday from gigabyte page and tried it tonight still get eight beeps and monitor never comes on I dont think comp fires up either can hear hard drive start but dont know if that is just power on. with out pinnacle board I have a fully working comp and burned audio cd tonight. I have taken out every board out and just used ati 7500 and pro board same results. I also tried using ati card from asus comp a 128 wonder tv board no good. asus board has 256 ith 1ghz amd system pinnacle recommends at least 1.4 cpu so I assembled a new system starting with the gigabyte ga7vrxp with xp2100 cpu.

I am going to try your mother board from asus and use all memory and cpu from gigabyte board
2.1 amd xp
512 mb ddr333
ati 7500
tdk 24x burner
a04 dvd buner
WD CAVIAR WD1200BB 120GB UA100 8MB for video
two -MAXTOR DIAMONDMAX PLUS D740X 60GB UA133 for op system and audio files

I was planning to burn some of the hockey tapes to dvd and the tv capture card just didnt cut it. just have to wait a little until I can raise funds for new board.

If anyone else has suggestions or ideas before I spent even more money let me know. Thanks for the help so far it has been better and more detailed than the help I have had from the MFG's
figured I just about put an end to this post

after talking with pinnacle and video guys the solution was the gigabyte board was just not gonna work. Also after 3 1/2 weeks of emails to gigabyte then pc magazine to the editor that recommended this board I received a generic reply from gigabyte, they were no help but at least I got the reply. I have always used asus and should have stayed with them.

Anyway saved some more money and I sent away for the asus board it should arrive next week.

thanks for all the suggestions.