Pink Floyd's The Wall

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New member
I own the VHS legally, and downloaded the DivX so I can have it on KVCD and play it on my portable DVD player. Conversions are complete and everything works, but I want to put to chapters into it. Does anyone have the chapter list (and times) for this? I checked a thread about The Wall on this forum located here: but I tested it with my already burnt non-chapters kvcd and the times are all wrong. Any help would be much appreciated


Edited reason:- Theres that word again DOWNLOADED !!! even if you owned 50 copies legally of something you still have 1 ILLEGAL copy of this !?because you own the rights to your VHS copy..does not mean you are allowed to download it as someone else obviously copied it and ILLEGALLY SHARED the file BE AWARE you will no doubt not get the advice you are asking as you are NOW in breach of forum rules regarding WAREZ /ILLEGAL downloaded material!, if you wish to have help further a suggestion would be to PURCHASE the DVD and make your own divx copy :) >>>>VIPER_1069 <<<< :)

please read the forum rules here thanks >

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