picture freezes

everytime i burn a dvd it plays ok for a while the the picv freezes up any ideas using nero l8test version pioneer a03 writer
firmware 1.80 copys fine then playback is good but just freezes up

system spec 500 + memory and p3 450 ect


what drive do u use to playback ... which DVD-R do u use ...

I had the same problem with Pioneer 116 and medias from cdrecordable.com ....

using pioneer a03 firmware 1.80 l8test nero and
disks are bulkpaq make m8
cheers for help

trie my dvdr and my dvd reader m8 the dvd i copy is a m8s and it works ok in his pc but not my copy does the same thing when i take copy to him but anything he makes plays ok we have the same writer firmware blanks ect
got it sorted formatt my c drive reinstalled nero only and it is ok could have been an aspi prob to many differant burnning progs installed i think
thanks all