WTH. I can run the test on the same disc and same drive. But when I use Nero (CD-DVD Speed 3.61) it comes up with higher errors and failures. :confused: On DvdinfoPro (3.49) PI 44 & PIF 2 but on nero I just got PI 428 & PIF 24.:confused::confused: I've also ran the test in nero a few times and I get a different readings ever time, a lot different which is not the case with Dvdinfo. :confused: For some reason in nero I only have a choice of speed "Max or 48x" which is not the case in Dvdinfo. The scan I just did was of 8x TY burnt at 12x but it doesn't matter what brand or speed I still have the same problem. I use a NEC 3500 to burn and Liteon 166S (DSC1) to read, I've changed f/w on both with no luck. Also I just formated and reinstalled XPsp1.:( I'm beginning to think the test are a joke or is it just nero? So can anyone tell me why?
Also an ASUS A7V8X-X MB with the latest 4in1s.
For a Liteon reader, I'd throw Kprobe into the mix, since it's specific to Liteon (works with some other Mediatek chipset drives, but results may vary). Liteon DVD-ROM/Combo results are not comparable with Liteon writer scans.

If Nero is not able to offer anything other than max speed, then it will tend to report greater error rates, unless comparing with another full speed result.

I'd value a clean transfer rate plot (also in CDspeed) over the fine detail of PI/PIF.

Those results are completely opposed... - assuming they are both maximums..
PI 44/PIF 2 = a very good scan
PI 428/PIF 24 = a very bad scan, completely out of specification, and maybe tolerable only if that's a rare peak.