Pegasus Mail v4.12a

Released 24 June 2003:
Pegasus Mail is a free, standards-based electronic mail client suitable for use by single or multiple users on single computers or on local area networks.
This version fixes problems in v4.11 and v4.10 associated with importing POP3/SMTP definitions from older versions of the program (although it cannot correct problems associated with imports done by v4.11 or v4.10). It also fixes a serious problem in v4.11 where Eastern European character sets were badly mangled in outgoing mail, correctly remembers the maximized/minimized state of the MDI client area and has numerous other small fixes. We strongly recommend that all people using v4.10 or v4.11 upgrade to v4.12a. The remainder of this announcement covers the general changes in the v4.1 release of Pegasus Mail.
thanks for the update bro <img src="" width="28" height="28"> this is my fave email client <img src="" width="15" height="15">
Cheers Bro:)

Heh, U got the smileys wrong VIPER lol:p Damn Ur right Bud, mine not workin either:(So's the img code bah humbug:confused:

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