PDI Control - Error 13 - SOLVED!

PDI Control - Error 13

Hi All!

i have a problem where i once more need your assistance to solve.
Recently i got several reports from diffrent users (e.g. D3s7) about an Error in InsantCopy Hidden Settings Editors 'PDI Control'. There seems to pop up an Error '13 - Type mismatch' for some, this is an error i cant reproduce. So if you are using InstantCopy and InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor, i would highly appreciate it if you could run a test by opening a .pdi set with PDI Control and let me know if you get this error, so you could help me get this fixed ?!? Strangely all users with this error so far were never heard of again when i asked them for their assistance on this one ?!? :confused:


justin611 said:
I got the error with version 1.3.4. I tried opening 20 different PDI's with no luck, all error 13s.
Hi !

If you can provide me the 1st 200000 Bytes of the 1st File of the pdi set and the last 2000 bytes of the last file of the set, maybe this will help me to find the problem.
If not i would want to generate a special debug version you maybe could run to locate the error....

TheMadGuy said:
Hi !

If you can provide me the 1st 200000 Bytes of the 1st File of the pdi set and the last 2000 bytes of the last file of the set, maybe this will help me to find the problem.
If not i would want to generate a special debug version you maybe could run to locate the error....

How do I split the file up like that and where would you like me to send it to.

I will re-install IC7 if you need me to run the debug version (I'm using IC8 now)
TheMadGuy said:

i quickly put a little app together to make the splitting for ya!
have attached it here and you can mail me the Data to contact@XTerminators.de


Mailed you the files from one of my pdi's....

I'll be creating probably 1 or 2 more today so I'll mail those too when they finish
D3s7 said:
Mailed you the files from one of my pdi's....

I'll be creating probably 1 or 2 more today so I'll mail those too when they finish
Thanks for your help!

In a coop coding session with saxon / The Exterminators and your help by providing the files, we can consider this case solved & closed.

The Error was produced by a compatibility issue of one of MicroSofts Date-/TimeFunctions which worked on the german Dateformat but didnt on some other. This Function was replaced by an alternative one which seems to handle both well!

Thnx to all who offered their help!
