PC parts

I'm searching all over the net for stablishments who sell PC parts at retail & bulk quantities (either by online or mail orders) overseas. I gotten a few good prices for parts at catalog sites such as tigerdirect.com & pricewatch.

-- let's try to make this thread a list so as to others can use this for quick reference too.

Your help will be mostly appreciated.


newby said:
-- let's try to make this thread a list so as to others can use this for quick reference too.
You just did bud ;) And it's a good one at that.

If there are enough responces, we will make it a sticky thread so that it will stay as a reference.
Thx dude!

Here's a few more:

enpc.com (not sure about overseas, they do ship to hawaii, got to call them and find out.)
The trick is to find companies that will ship overseas -- at all. I'm not certain that those listed above will do it, but you can't never tell. Big orders can be a big inducement.

Here's some more good shops that might or might not:

hypermicro.com (for scsi-heads)
svc.com (for odds & mods)

buy.com may already have an international shipping arrangment.