Paranois or trojans?

I had D/Led from easydesksoftware the Perfetc Companion and NT. They were unzipped in folders. I D/Led SWAT IT! ( and ran it now (1 hour?) and it found BOTH setup.exes with 'NO OB 4'. My encyclopedia has that as possibly a varient of a BOOT VIRUS.
Is it part of regsitray tracing or a trojan if you do not have the "registration" info?
Personslly I believe a TROJAN varient written by them.
Am I paranoid?
Not the answer, but worth knowing!

Something to keep a check on if you do uninstall it.

I downloaded a piece of shareware ages ago, I got a Trojan warning, uninstalled the program the warning went away, when I used Reg Cleaner I noticed that the program makers name kept re-appearing in the list of installed components, it drove me nuts…:confused: :mad:
no matter how many times I got rid of it, it just came back.

In the end I emailed the company and they sent me a little program to remove it completely, it has not been seen since.

Sorry I can’t help further, but this is worth knowing.

One as bad as other

I know what I D/Led, installed, deleted, and LEFT SWAT IT! This evening I was runnig a pgm and IE pops up and moden ringing like a CELL phone, calling home! Off line.
The 2 other pgms w/trojan listed were never run, only unzipped direct form home page.
I guess you DO need OUTGOING checking on a firewall with THIS stuff. I thought that was a GREAT pgm and way of you cheking THEIR firewall info on their site.

"What a revoltin' development".

I am now SURELY using my 20 gig as a TEST HD when I hook up my 80 gig for good. I have power supply extension cabels to switch POWER for one only at a time.

I reformatted X2 in a year plus once at the start due to a virus going into the CAB files.

Now harassment from BUSINESSES! It was pgms too old that blew a lot. Everything runs on WinMe now and XP has bad drivers.

I think I need to get drunk surfing and THINK I am safe.
Sounds like a similar experience I had with TWD's Remote-Anything.
This product DOES show up as a Trojan under Norton AV, but then, Norton sells a product that competes with TWD's. It's called PC-Anywhere. Go figure...