PAL to NTSC when backing up DVD...

Hi All,
Does anyone know how, when backing up a DVD with any of the SWs around (DVD2One or others), to change a DVD from PAL to NTSC?
I am trying to aovid tedion encoding sessions.
Any proggy to take a VOB and just change it from PAL to NTSC?
Thanks in advance
You cant just change a movie from PAL to NTSC as they are fidderent standards. Picture size is 720x480 NTSC while PAL is 720x576. Frame rate is 29.97 fps for NTSC while 25.00 for PAL. Any conversion will result in a jerky movie anyway.
I guess I'll get the MOD Chip then... But here's a tough one.

Thanks ChickenMan.
I guess I'll get the MOD chip for my DVD-A300...
Do you have an idea whether there's a chance that the MOD chip will hurt my standalone's ability to read DVD-Rs?

Now, about the PAL/NTSC, and about home movies. I have a DCR-PC115E camcorder (PAL) and when I capture with Ulead Video Studio, I capture the movie to NTSC as my standalone DVD player is NTSC. I then use ProCoder to encode to MPEG2 and DVD Workshop to author. I burn on Ritek. The DVD comes out with amazing quality but indeed jitters with the video part (as opposed to the sound).
Now... the DVD does not jitter on the PC with PowerDVD, only on my standalone. I burn at 2X with DVD Decrypter...
I was not sure why the video jitters. Is that b/c:
- The burn process? (better burn with RecordMax for example?)
- The conversion? (by the way, both ProCoder and the capture (Video Studio), will change from PAL to NSTC)
- I used bit rate of 8000Kb/s. Is that too much? Could it be that the bit rate is too high? I can use less I believe.
- With procoder I used 2-Pass VBR. Could it be that the VBR makes the player 'confused'? I can use 6000 CBR and possibly it will come better?

Now, just for reference, when I backed up a DVD movie with DVD2One (it was originally NTSC) and burnt with RecordMax on the same Riteks (G03). No problem at all! , By the way. I use the Pioneer 105 and after some challenges, I got it running just fine!

Thanks in advance
Are you sure your capturing in NTSC? I doubt your capturing will allow the souce type to be changed. You may have slected NTSC but the default will be PAL to match the source. Standalone DVD Players can playback both PAL and NTSC, they just convert on the fly and that I suspect is the jitters your seeing. It can be anything and the PC will play it fine.

Jitters is not a result of burn process but could be media and high burning speed. DVD likes a long slow burn for best results. Even burn at 1x on 2x media can help.

Bitrate has absolutely nothing to do with your problem and I doubt VBR as most commercial DVD's are VBR.
Definitely capturing NTSC

I am definitely capturing NTSC. And you're right - I did select NTSC b/c my standalone player is A300 (Panasonic) zone1 from the US (NTSC).
The camera is PAL and the AVIs that I get when capturing with Ulead VS are NTSC. They are 29.97 fps and 720x480. I also captured with PAL and converted later to NTSC MPEG2 using ProCoder. Maybe the programs are not doing that conversion well

In any case. I'll try to ask the burner to burn 1X and also will use RecordNow Max to burn (got good result with backing up a DVD).

One more thing that occured is that when I chose Make Disc in DVD Workshop - a message popped up saying that MPEG2 is not the default sound format for NTSC and if I want to continue. Could that be the reason for the video jitters - chasing the sound? Anything else I should have done? In procoder - I chose system which creates an MPEG2 file with the video and sound together.

Thanks for your reply. It helps me focus on my problems and try to solve them.

Yes the sound could be the source of the problem. I dont know DVD Workshop but for 100% DVD compliance the Sound should be in WAV (to darn big though!) or AC3 format. Use BeSweet (or AC3 Machine with BeSweet) to convert to AC3.