oversize iso image

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i am a newbie so forgive me for this question i borrowed a dvd from my friend which was on a standard 4.7gb dvd, i ripped the disc using dvd decrypter into an iso image file hoping to burn it onto a disc later,now when i try to burn using dvd decrypter or nero they both say the image is to large for the blank disc also 4.7gb. i have tried to reduce the image using dvd shrink ( i had to mount the image on a vertual drive using daemon tools as i no longer have the disc ) but when i try to open the files in dvd shrink i get a programe error apart from one file which it did let me open which turned out to be the menu at the beggining of the dvd, so why won`t it fit onto a standard dvd disk when it came of of one in the fist place and why won`t dvd shrink open up my files,any advice on this matter would be helpful. ;) ;) ;) ;)
fonz4u2003 said:
i am a newbie so forgive me for this question i borrowed a dvd from my friend which was on a standard 4.7gb dvd, i ripped the disc using dvd decrypter into an iso image file hoping to burn it onto a disc later,now when i try to burn using dvd decrypter or nero they both say the image is to large for the blank disc also 4.7gb. i have tried to reduce the image using dvd shrink ( i had to mount the image on a vertual drive using daemon tools as i no longer have the disc ) but when i try to open the files in dvd shrink i get a programe error apart from one file which it did let me open which turned out to be the menu at the beggining of the dvd, so why won`t it fit onto a standard dvd disk when it came of of one in the fist place and why won`t dvd shrink open up my files,any advice on this matter would be helpful. ;) ;) ;) ;)
I would think you might want to buy the dvd other wise read rules. We can't help with this, I would say you need to do some reading around the forum.:)
Yes,we can't reply to questions where you do not own the software.It obvious you don't own the disc in question.We can only help with software backups of things you own.

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