Overclocking P111 General enquiry

This is just a general enquiry, so no shootin' me down in flames because I've not supplied enough info or technical data!!

My computer is in the UK and I'm about 4000 miles away in the USA, so the data supplied is from memory.... I don't yet know mobo type...etc....etc....coz I've never thought about overclocking.

So I'm thinking about overclocking my system, I've looked around at a few sites for info but thought I would post something on here to see what kind of response I get.

Original spec'
Emachine Emonster (no spec' available on the Emachine site)
P111 @ 866Mhz
128Mb PC133
30Gb H/drive 5400
DVD drive

Upgrade spec'
P111 @ 866Mhz
384Mb PC133
30Gb H/drive 5400
41Gb H/drive 7200 (slave used for video editing storage)
DVD drive
x12 burner (master)
PCI video (TV) capture card
Ducted air cooling system, with H/drive cooling & upgraded CPU cooling

Wondering if I can overclock my system up to 933Mhz or even 1Ghz???

I don't expect a step by step run through on how to do it, I'll try and figure that out for myself, just looking for some advice from anyone who has overclocked a "similar" system.

I can get info about my mobo from the net but not from the Emachine site!! Emachine don't bother their arses to give the buyer a mobo manual and their web site is pretty crap when it comes to technical info. The only manual you get with your system is very basic..."This is the on button!!"...that kind of thing. My system runs fine and was easy to upgrade but the lack of technical type manuals supplied by Emachine absolutely stinks.

Thanx in advance.

...DreeM :)
At the moment all i can say is - yeah its possible to overclock it - but how far you can overclock it (if at all) will ultimately depend on your motherboard, brand, model and bios and processor.

and in away it depends if you were lucky or not when you got your p3 - some are overclockable - and some just arent so overclockable.

you might have to check the processor and the code on it, its also on the retial box if you got it retail to determine which one it is

from what i have read the most important thing about overclocking is the processor core compostion
you can oveclock the processor successfully only if the core is all copper any type of mixtures (alloys) cant dissipate the heat fast enough and will burn up

the software end of it i am not sure--you should be able to upgrade and/or reprogram--i think

does your setup menu allow you to pick a higher multiplier or is capped at its present rated speed?
thanks for the help so far :)

..only extra info, if it's any help, is that it's a Socket 370 and it's a CopperMine Pentium 3.

Have to look into this more once I get back to the UK.

Just thought it would be nice to crank up the speed of my system abit but not too bothered if I can't as 866Mhz isn't exactly snails pace and my system runs smoothly with no major problems.

....DreeM :)
DREEMTHEEF I'm not too familiar with overclocking the P3 systems. I have a P3, but my overclocked system is an AthlonXP.
Important thing I need to know is it a slot 1 or flip chip design?
If it is a slot 1, forget about it, but if it's a flip chip, then in your bios change your FSB up in increments of 2 or so. Never too much. You shouldn't go past 10 on that system (IMO), but I don't know for sure. Another thing you would need is to get some AS3 (arctic silver 3 thermal compound/paste) & apply a very super thin layer to it & also make sure you have a good HSF attached, though your default will probably due. Don't mess with the multiplyer much, & it's probably locked anyways.
For some better tips though, try this board I use a lot & give info for (h**p://www.ultrapenguin.com/vb/index.php), but be warned. It's an AMD board, so just explain you have an extra P3 system you want to try overclocking =). Some there with more experience overclocking their P3s would be able to help you more.
Good luck
PS (I go by bk_night2002 there if you need other help there).
xbenchman said:
from what i have read the most important thing about overclocking is the processor core compostion
you can oveclock the processor successfully only if the core is all copper any type of mixtures (alloys) cant dissipate the heat fast enough and will burn up
Yup that will affect it, it will determine how clockable the processor is - hence why DREEMTHEEF will need to check which P3 core he has in his CPU, the manuafacturer code on the chip will tell him. Then check it up on a CPU database, think there is one on overclockers.

As long as you have more than sufficient cooling (as shadoe_phantom said) and change the CPU fan on for the P3 - It shouldnt be a problem. Plus his motherboard *should* kick in before the P3 gets hot enough to burn.

As I said, it will also depend on your motherboard as well, some boards have multiplier settings available in the BIOS settings, like the ASUS CUSL2 for example. While others might have a jumpers or dip switches to alter the multipler. And some dont have any, and all multiplier settings are locked down (some mobos have methods of getting around the locked multipler).

For all the info you need to overclocking P3s the best site i can suggest is w*w.overclockers.com, you can find absolutely everything you need, fans, grease, cooler systems, the lot.
Alternatively w*w.sharkyforums.com.
Thanks again for the info.

I'll check on those sites you both mentioned.

Cooling ain't a problem, as I've got the arctic silver 3 thermal compound/paste on my CPU and I've upgraded the CPU cooling to a Thermal Take which is rated to 1.2Ghz. Both H/drives have cooling fans plus I've got a ducted system to keep everything else cool, with fans pulling air in the front/sides and pushing it out the back of the system. The chipset has thermal slabs, which are stuck onto the chips and get cold when the power is on. The only thing I might consider is cooling for the memory.

Thanks again for the help, looking forward to getting back to the UK so I can have a dig about inside my computer...;)

...DreeM :)