Oscar Winners

yep me think so 2

Off topic

why does it say im already logged in, but i have 2 login everytime i go 2 the main page

It really starting 2 annoy

yep tried all that:confused:

Do U mean U changed the settings, i left them off after readin woody's & roadworkers advice.It was the only way i could view the new posts


Just tried changing them, i had 2 switch off again log on usin cookies, but left on browse board with cookies

Every time i try www.cdrbase.com, i just get the we have moved IpP page

It startin 2 freak me out here:confused:
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Do you have any software that may be caching the DNS lookup, and sending you to the old IP address (some "Internet accelerators").
Nope not as far as i know

I aint even installed the Telewest software for the cable modem

No internet boost s/w at all

It doin the same with IE6 & Netscape
