Optorite firmware for DD0401 & DD0203 drives

Optorite has the following firmware updates for their DD0401 (v1.02) & DD0203 (v2.25) DVD burners in both Win and Dos version.
Released 24 Nov 2003.
DD0401 windows version DD0401_win_120E.zip
DD0401 Dos version DD0401_dos_120E.zip

DD0203 windows version DD0203_win_225.zip
DD0203 dos version DD0203_dos_225.zip
Homepage can be located here

DOS. notes
The BIOS Update Method
1. Create a bootable floppy disk in accordance with the instructions laid out in the manual of your particular operating system. This bootable floppy needs to be able to boot to a DOS console capable of executing normal MS-DOS batch and executable files.

2. Download and unzip the xxxx.zip file corresponding to your model from the OptoRite website to the floppy.

3. Boot using your DOS floppy disk to the :\>?command prompt. At the DOS command prompt type: UPDATE xxxx.bin

4. Select the item which you want to update the drive.

5. The BIOS will automatically flash.

6. Reboot the machine,when finish updating process.

Sorry no info about theses updates.


New member
i have a ?

there web site sucks it doesnt say what the new flash fixes do you know where to find this out .i have a ddo203 and works great but want to know what the flash does