older pc burns dvd fine, newer has video artifacts


New member

Old and slow pc with 633 celeron and 384MB burns over 7.5G Troy
and less than 4.7G Napolean DVDs fine. But once moved the same dvd
burner to a better pc: 2000 Athlon and 786Mb, the smaller Napolean
is burning fine, but longer movie Troy has many video artifacts
such as flashing, bricks or stuttering.

Burner is 16x dual layer digital max and tools used dvd shrink.
Older pc runs on xp pro and better pc runs xp pro sp2.

Slower pc gnerated excellent dvds using shrink without AEC and
deep analysis, I have tried deep analysis and AEC on better pc
without any good results. Nero check confirmed aspi ok.
Have also tired decrypter.

Any suggestions I can implement.

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Suggest U start here

http://www.dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?t=32137 (DVD Tips)

http://www.dvdrbase.com/forumdisplay.php?f=117 (DVD Tutorials)

Also some peeps find SP2 a problem (from experience of self & others SP2 should [if installed at all] be installed as a clean install then install your proggies after)