OK WTF OPERA ?! interesting title i know !?

heres one for all you opera users here and intersting read for you POKO mate !? i just got bored and downloaded the 6.05 version of opera as ive been using 6.04 for a while i thougt i better upgrade anyhow waitn for it to install i decided to extract the installer (with java not that prolly makes a difference ) rolling down the list of icons to see if there was any nice ones to use for any other programs !?

i came across a weird one a big red "O" for opera !? nothing new there we hear you say !? and the name of this icon !?!??

NETSCAPE what the ???!?!?!? is there something im missing here !?!?

any ideas POKO as you are the netscape/mozilla guru here ?! lol i can't figure a link if any apart from they are both browsers lol !? :) :confused:)

weird or what !?
HUMMM still odd tho ? no icon for IE if its the case of bluffing web sites that its not opera ? and its a NETSCAPE.exe that still launches opera POKO ?!? surely websites dont check the launch exe !? maby opera secretly wishes it was a better browser ?! lol :) or maby the programmers do lol :)
can someone please tell this curious guy here... what are the advantages of opera as opposed to IE? i keep hearing of it but have never tried it
try it ya might like it lol !!! and ya may not !? each to there own i spose lol :) its not very good with java pages but other than that its an easy to use browser :)

@ poko okies bud