looking for views on this disclaimer of a friends site please buddies
my opinion is that its a grey area regards to personal backup but the fact of offering to sell them backups is the law-breaker here !? am i right or wrong !?
would like everybody with knowlege on this matter to post opinions thanks in advance !
also like to add a note here that its a uk operation and the laws differ for different places !!
cheers guys/gals
Our function is strictly to backup software, which you claim to currently own, to protect it from damage, accidental or otherwise. These duplications are allowed under the copyright law, and you are entitled to this service by law. xxxxxx Warez® provide this as a service. This service will not be held accountable for the purchaser's use. If you sell your original software, you will destroy the backup of that title. If you imply piracy, we cannot legally serve you, and we hold no liability for anything you, the purchaser will do with the backup. xxxxxx Warez® understand that by buying these backups from us, you are implying you have the original copy of that title, and we will supply it to you on that understanding only. If you imply to us that you do not own the original copy of the game, then we cannot supply you with the disc, as you have no legal rights to own it. As a service provider, we cannot allow this, as it would mean we would be no longer able to provide you with this service. By complying with these regulations, it allows us, as the service provider to duplicate and you, as a consumer to receive the right of back-up's to protect your original software. Please note, we do not condone piracy, but we do recognize the ever-growing need for CD backup software to protect valuable originals.
my opinion is that its a grey area regards to personal backup but the fact of offering to sell them backups is the law-breaker here !? am i right or wrong !?
would like everybody with knowlege on this matter to post opinions thanks in advance !
also like to add a note here that its a uk operation and the laws differ for different places !!
cheers guys/gals
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