Office XP ProService Pack One

a group of the brotherz discuss similar issues earlier this year...

click the search button @ the top of the page to find it... bluelist and serial numbers, etc...
hrmmm... isn't there a drop-down Combo-Box with the option that provides the M$-OfficeXP KeyGen besides the M$-WinXP ?

try looking HardeR... :rolleyes:
Hi NewGen

There is drop-down box but there no Office XP Corp option there. Only office xp pro/plus and I am looking for Office XP Corp cuz there is no activation needed with corp Keys
try the serials2000 list then... do a google search... and hopefully something to come up... remember that it 's updated every 15-days...!

Thanx for the Corp Key!!! The last time i tried updating my office xp my system was tot. trshd!!!! Sys OS OK but when try to run Office XP it pops up and then self-terminates. Reformat and redo didn't work! persistant issue w/self termination.

I had to fdisk, reformat and THEN reinstall!!!! hopefully this will help me out!!!

You rock dude!
Is there anyone who can explain to me if and when yes how I can generate office xp corp keys with the blue-list keygen. I only produced keys with a 75x-key until now, never 64x keys.

Thanks in advance for everyone who can help
haha... use the search button for close topics about the issue...!
sum brothaz discuss'd this issue and many like it before...

search and ye shall find!
Sorry NewGen,

I did not ask about windows XP corp keys, this has been discussed many times, yes, but about OFFICE XP Corp.
I really did not find any toping explainig how ti generate these keys.
The bluelist keygen only genereates office xp professional keys which require activation (that's all I could generate).

Hope someone can help
Yeah, the keygen will only generate keys for non-Corp Office XP.

The only way to do it now is to use the new keys and remove activation by using the patch...

unless somebody has already created an Office XP Corp Keygen?