Number of Avi/CD

Hi all,
the problem is: when I make DivX movies from Dvd as described in Chickenman's tutorials with Vidomi (very very great results to audio & video!!), the number of Avi (CD size 699Mb) are everytime my choosen number + 1 (about 150-180Mb). Why?
For example: I encoded Pearl Harbor (about 3 hours movie), it took about 10hours on my Celeron 1,1Ghz and it made 4 CD (3 x 700Mb + 1 x 150Mb). I've only requested 3 CD!! The options were as on the tutorial. So I downsized audio to 96Kb/sec and the result was the same (only 20Mb less). The last I redid it with 224Kb/sec and the size was 20Mb plus. The A/V are perfectly in sync in any way! what I have to do to make the requested CD without the last small one? Thank a lot!
try changing the CD size in the options to 649MB instead (this would be about -150MB so will fit onto your 3 CDs instead of 4).
Vidomi & most other programs aren't perfect for giving you a direct size, but when you make something into DivX, you shouldn't have to make it into 3 CDs like that.
If a 2 hour movie can be made to fit onto 1 CD, a 3 hour movie should fit onto 2 CDs (just a thought).

*another thing that might have been overlooked is your bitrate setting for the DivX movie (try setting it to around 740 max)

Hope that helps.
Good luck
shadoe_phantom said:
try changing the CD size in the options to 649MB instead (this would be about -150MB so will fit onto your 3 CDs instead of 4).
Vidomi & most other programs aren't perfect for giving you a direct size, but when you make something into DivX, you shouldn't have to make it into 3 CDs like that.
If a 2 hour movie can be made to fit onto 1 CD, a 3 hour movie should fit onto 2 CDs (just a thought).

*another thing that might have been overlooked is your bitrate setting for the DivX movie (try setting it to around 740 max)

Hope that helps.
Good luck
Ok...I'll try for the 649Mb....I tried with 2 CD and the same 2 x 700Mb + 1 about 100Mb.... The result was a movie with pauses every 10/20 secs especially in very action scenes....with 3 CD the movie is perfect anytime! (I play it with a matrox G450 on the TV!).
The bitrate was the default of DivX 5.02 (about 740). I think I can try to downsize a little it....I'll try!

Anyway thank you!
hmmmm, very peculiar developements on your PC. Haven't had any problems with my DivX making. Maybe the software you are using the playback your movie is causing the delays (don't use the playa as it jumbles things up). I would download zoom player from h``p:// . It's free =)

Good luck with that.
As the phontom has said, almost no DivX encoder is right in getting the bit rate correct or spot on. I tend to lower the bitrate down by 30 or so and then it always fits to the 2 CD's.
yes just to add, acceptable bitrates for DivX movies (even back from 3.11 days) was 680-740, so anything between there is good. (I like 715-740)
Still not ok!!!:-(((

The results:

1) I've said before I tried to do two cd movie but it had jumps every 10/20secs even A/V is ever in sync.....ok.....I did that conversion with EasyDivX 0.81 and not with Vidomi....After some tries I discarded it because of very negative comments found on these forums.

2) In Vidomi I tried only the 3 cd version movie as I said, but it was on 4 files.

3) Ok, after your advices, I found that the default DivX 5.02 video bitrate is 780Kbit/s and not 740 as I said yesterday. So I lowered it to 740 (first trial). I leaved all other options in Vidomi as specified in ChickenMan's tutorials (audio 128Kb/s, normalize 1pass, joint stereo, ecc.). The movie is Pearl Harbor (my test movie!) and its time is 3 hours. This time I choosed to make it in two CD (699Mb) instead of the three I choosed before. I started conversion.......
After ten hours of working time, I got it! Surprise: The movie is still in 4 files (3 x 700Mb + 1 x 170Mb)...THE SAME I got before (same size at all!!!!). I thought I did something wrong, so I revised all my settings and this time I lowered the bitrate in DivX 5.02 Encoder (the two pass VBR!) to 690 as you stated the minimum acceptable bitrate....also I checked the two CD option and I restarted again.....after another ten hours I got them....the same 4 file .... the same sizes!!!! What I'm doing wrong?????:confused:

4) I checked around the options and I founded there is a section "Advanced Video Options" (in chickenman's tutorial it is stated to leave defaults) where there are two options:
- Minimum bitrate : 300
- Maximum bitrate : 6000
These are the defaults I leaved as is. Maybe these settings override the DivX encoder settings I made before? If it is...what I have to do there? I have to raise the minimum to 740 and lower the maximum to 740? But so I have constat bitrate and not VBR... I what I have to do?

Thank you all for your time!!

Hi, I decided to barrow this movie & test it myself.
I changed my bitrate to 740 & my audio to 96kbs (not 128 cause over 2+ hours) at joint stereo & normalization at 100%.
I selected 2 CDs at 649MB.

My results yielded 2 avi files under 649MB & sound & everything was ok.

Perhaps there is something wrong with the ripp you used. My last suggestion on this would be to delete those vob files & defrag your HDD, then ripp the DVD again & try it another time. Otherwise I have no idea what the issue is (other than perhaps some wrong setting somewhere else).
*If you still get bigger sizes (with the 649MB settings) you can always join the movie with virtual dub after & then just cut to the length you want for each.
Good luck yet again. lol
If doing 2 pass VBR, check the Bitrate in DivX 5 menu for 1st pass AND for second pass. If second pass is still way to high, thats what you will keep getting.

Hi all,
I solved all my problems downgrading DivX 5.02 to DivX 4.12.
The diff is the first won't let me to select a bitrate (or at least it overrides my settings making anytime 3 x 700 Mb + 1 x 170Mb even If I hardly change settings anywhere ?!?!?), while the second does what I want it to do. If I change anything the changes are does its job also EasyDivx 0.81!!!
