NTSC-->PAL (xbox) ?

Dr Snuggles

New member
I have an Xbox (PAL) as my DVD player but I got a DVD film that I made music for thats NTSC. Is there a way to "re-burn" that DVD so I can watch the film on the PAL Xbox?
Playing burned dvd's on xbox

The only way that my xbox would play a burned "copied" dvd was to burn it on a "DVD-RW" disk made by Memorex.I am pretty sure that the name brand has nothing to do with it. Also when tested on my other dvd player and PS2 it wouldn't work. Just on the xbox.
if burnt/authorerd correctly AND you have a remote eye and remote for the xbox unless its chipped it will play any dvdrs :)

try loading the dvd into the tray and pressing play on the remote to close it and keep tapping the play button on the remote untill the disk starts :)

this should hopefully force an NTSC dvd to play :)

well at least thats how i get them to work here on a PAL xbox :)

I made copies of my movies using dvd xcopy express.This prog copies the entire movie but not the xtras and it works great.So when I try to play them in my xbox it says this type of disk is not supported or cannot read disk.The only way that they play in my xbox is to burn them using a "dvd-rw" disk.