notepad error??..

i cant open my notepad .txt just gives me this error that says....

Windows cannot find 'F:\tsmile.txt'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click Start button, and then click Search

it says this to ALL .txt files....what is my problem how do i fix this??..
Sounds like windows cant find notepad. Have you used any replacement for .txt extensions?

First make a backup of your registry

Open regedit and check if this string points to the right command


The right command being
%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1

If its not like this then change it accordingly
If its like this then try changing it to point directly at notepad.exe.

Like this C:\WINDOWS\System32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1
(depending somewhat on you os xp=same win2k=WINNT\etc\etc)

Btw : If you are weary about messing with the registry or this doesnt work pleace hold on, someone else will surely come along and assist :)

Edit: the space in notepad(n otepad.exe) is not supposed to be there but it wont go away lol :)
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