norton ghost problem

Tried to create backup with /Norton /ghost 2002, but keeps telling me bootsect.dat file is missing. I am running win 98 first ed. Could anyone please help, I thought this file was used for win 2k & nt? jkat :(
How do you start a backup?

In DOS window?

The ghost runs only in PURE DOS mode.

All do you need is the file GHOST.EXE on a floppy disc, with all drivers to boot your system,CD Rom drivers, with Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, etc, etc...

I hope this help you !

thanks again guys! I take it u mean ghostpe.ex* netlion. Already done that pokopiko. I was using the boot wizard as instructed on norton's site when error came up:rolleyes: must have misunderstood.:D :cool: jkat /cdrsoft is ace!!!

sorry I didn't answer your post earlier netlion, I have been away. Yes I'll give it a whirl later. Many thanks jkat :cool: