NORTON Antivirus 2003

Well I install it to find out its a beta and it will not take updates. Also to top it all off it will not let me reinstall the 2002 with out it not taking updates.:mad: I did regedit and took out anything to do with norton and symantec and I still have the same problem.:mad: So how do I fix this so I can reinstall 2002 with updates:confused:
I don't want to format if I can help it.
remove any folders called symantec or nortan use find files and make sure you are showing all files to find and remove the 'c:\Windows\Application Data\Symantec 'folder and the shared folder within :)
Tommy said:
How to uninstall Norton AntiVirus 2003 or Norton AntiVirus 2003 Professional Edition

You want to know how to uninstall Norton AntiVirus 2003 (NAV) or Norton AntiVirus Professional Edition 2003 (NAV Pro).

There is more than one way to uninstall NAV or NAV Pro 2003. Uninstalling from the Program list menu is the recommended method. If you cannot uninstall in the recommended way, then you can use the Rnav2003.exe removal utility.

To uninstall NAV 2003 from the Norton AntiVirus program menu:

1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Norton AntiVirus, and then click "Uninstall Norton AntiVirus 2003" or "Uninstall Norton AntiVirus 2003 Professional Edition."
2. Click Remove, and then follow the on-screen prompts. Click Yes or "Yes to all" as needed.
3. Restart the computer when prompted.

DL Norton Rnav2003.exe removal utility Now!
Greetings from
Thanks for the replys. I tried the Rnav2003.exe removal utility and I still get the samething error:
"Live Update Error
There was a problem trying to register with Live Update. Live Update will not be available for this product." :mad:
I hate beta's!!!!!
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Gold Member
Did you are search in the registry ?

search for Norton and Symantec..i had the same prob but i can´t remember what i did to solve the problem :confused:

But i think that i deleted all symantec entries in the registry.

And don´t forget the folders under shared files !!!

I think that was the problem !!

There is a folder under documents and settings too.

(i hope the translation is okay cause i am using the german xp version)
It turns out it was a folder under shared files. You have to love uninstall programs. :)
Either way it works now.
Thanks :D
uninstalling norton antivirus 2003 is a bitch! (or norton system works too)! i hhad the exact same problem you have, and i had 2002 and i never had problem with updates; i guess it shows newer doesn't necessarily mean better :(

I dont really like Norton Antivirus 2004.
But I have recommended to users AVG Antivirus Free Edition is the one to use..

I have used it for about 1yr and runs like a charm.
I seem to recall once when my antivirus program detected the presence of Norton AV 2003 on my system. I was pleased that it got detected before it did too much harm, but I had a hell of a time trying to get it off.

catachresis said:
I seem to recall once when my antivirus program detected the presence of Norton AV 2003 on my system. I was pleased that it got detected before it did too much harm, but I had a hell of a time trying to get it off.

Well that right for one antivirus program to see another one as a virus. Think about what makes up a antvirus program.
Second do you guy see how old this post is??