Nod32 2.0

Version 2.0’s Many Enhancements Include New Planner/Scheduler for Customized Scheduling Of Scans and Virus Updates; Email Filter, Quarantine Protocols, GUI Also Improved

Eset Software, a leading provider of internet software security solutions, today announced the commercial release of NOD32 Version 2.0 (EN), a major upgrade of its industry-leading virus detection software. With Version 2.0, Eset has enhanced one of the world’s foremost virus detection products with greater control and flexibility, making it easier than ever for users to manage and detect incoming threats to their computers and computer networks.

Among the many improvements to NOD32 Version 2.0—actually the fourth generation of Eset’s original NOD32 technology—are the following:

Advanced Heuristics – state-ot-the-art virus/worm/Trojan detection engine
Windows 2003 Server operating system compatibility (testing included verification at Microsoft during its “Plugfest” event earlier this year)
Fully Integrated Planner/Scheduler—A powerful new tool for managing key system tasks. With NOD32 v2.0’s new Planner/Scheduler, users can schedule automatic virus definition updates received over the Internet and/or LAN, scans, execution of external applications, log maintenance and much more, with tasks triggered either by event or time.
Email Filter Improved—NOD32 v2.0 replaces POP3 filtering with a new and more nimble IMON (Internet Monitor) module (scanner), complemented by a special email scanner for MS Outlook and Exchange.
New Quarantine Feature—Allows storage of infected, or potentially infected files in an encrypted format housed in a special user-defined directory.
Better On-Demand Scanning—New options enable users to define scanning targets and rules for handling and/or quarantining infected objects.
Central Log Management—NOD32 v2.0 provides easier-to-read event/scan logs, with messages on key events/alarms sent via SMTP or Windows Messenger to a predefined set of recipients.
Enhanced Control Center—All operational modules of NOD32 are now fully integrated in the product’s central Control Center. Not only is user task management improved, but all relevant control parameters are password protected as well.
New Graphical User Interface—In addition to a newer, cleaner look, NOD32 v2.0 features a single ‘red-cross’ icon that replaces the previous three system tray icons.
Improved Installation Program—New installation program offers three pre-defined installation scenarios including a “standard” option for novice users.