no storage

NO WAY U/Ling them here. There are programs you run across when surfing you just do not get w/searches or are not thinking of SEARCHING for.

Nothing wrong with leaving an e-mail at a LEGIT business for FREEWARE they have. You just opt out first mail they send you.

I think it is helter skelter w/links for some programs every now and then. Just MY opinion. There are not many pgms to discuss with the site now. It is more of a newbie info center. Some items just geat beat to death.

Of course to log on and scan for new messages you get them all at THAT time.
Yeah,know what you mean.;)

We have to keep the software as links.That is the best way.This is a forum,not an fxp board.Some forums don't allow them at all.

I agree the post count is down.Warez kept it busy here.Not many were interested in the forum,just the downloads and warez links.It got out of hand.It tore this place apart.

The DMCA and RIAA are the problem.They are shutting down sites and suing file sharers.Eventually we would have gone down.Forums can be hacked.Ip's could have been collected,and lots of people here would have been in BIG trouble.

It's all about survival,things had to change.Too bad more people don't check us out..There is so much good information and friendly,helpful people here.:)