No sound


New member
Hope someone out there can help, when I burn movies nearly every time they all turn out perfect, but once in a while I get one that records perfectly but gives me no soundtrack, this is driving me nuts, not to mention wasting blanks, am using Clone dvd with anycd decrypter, anyone got any ideas. Thanks

are you doing anything like only leaving in the DTS audio track (which is a problem if you don't have DTS-capable hardware)? and do you get sound when you try to play it on your computer?


New member
No Sound

Hi Guys
Am new to this forum, and would like to introduce myself to all, Greetings from the PolaBear, am relativley new to burning/backing up dvd's and generally things go well, but one problem that has occurred twice now is that when I burn sometimes i get no soundtrack, the opening credits are fine, and the play movie, scenes,and interviews are fine all with sound but when the movie plays there is no soundtrack.

The first time this happened was with Jackie Brown, then just last night with 51st State, 5 movies before that were fine, the movie recorded fine but no soundtrack. With jackie Brown I tried re-booting and then recorded it, it was fine but this did not work last night, anyone out there got any ideas that work, my setup is AnyDVD for getting past the copyright and Clone DVD for the copying, my burner is a Pioneer AVR 106D the rest of the system is built to match, P4 3Ghz chip 2Gb Ram, 2x120Gb SATA drives setup in Raid, MSI FX5600 128Mb Graphics card. so as you can see the system is no slouch, this is annoying me cos I hate wasting perfectly good blanks, so any help would gratefully received, many thanks .



New member
No Sound (2)

In an addition to the No Sound post, the versions are of AnyDVD is and CloneDVD, is this the correct software to be using for backing up dvd's? :confused:

many thanks

In CloneDVD, what audio tracks have you selected? And on playback, is this on the PC (what player are you using) or is on your DVD Player? Have you tried changing audio tracks during playback, are there more than 1 audio track?


New member
I burn/backup movies all in exactly the same way, ie. after anydvd has done its thing, then go to clone dvd and choose clone dvd (clone a dvd including all titles and menus) then go to next, pick the title of the movie from the menu in D:\Video_TS, then just follow everything along until I get to the Audio and Subtitle Settings, take out all of the unwanted foreign subtitles, then click next to go to Output Method then just hit go.

As I am new to this can you please explain the difference between English Dolby AC-3/2, English Dolby AC-3/6,English DTS/5? many thanks for your help.

PS in answer to your question of do I get any sound when played on my pc the answer is no, I check all new burns on my pc as a matter of course, but I only get sound during the opening distribution screen and the setup screen, when I play the movie I get nada, as I stated originally this only happens once in a while.




New member
ChickenMan said:
In CloneDVD, what audio tracks have you selected? And on playback, is this on the PC (what player are you using) or is on your DVD Player? Have you tried changing audio tracks during playback, are there more than 1 audio track?

I have just let clone pick all the audio tracks ie. English Dolby 3/6, 3/2, and DTS-5 but being new to this I don't really know what the difference is between all of these audio formats. I always check the movies on the pc after burning to check everything is alright, my burner in the pc is a Pioneer DVR 106D and I generally use Win DVD4 to check them out. many thanks chickenman.

The difference is that you need DTS compatible equipment for DTS, if you don't then you won't get any audio.

Try the DVD with Media Player Classic which has built in DTS decoding.

2 channel AC3 will often be comentary. I would suggest that you keep the 6 channel AC3 stream.
don't double post, it's against the forum rules. i've merged your threads together.

if you keep all of the audio tracks, there's really no reason not to get sound, unless clonedvd is messing up somehow. if you experience the same problem with the same dvd multiple times, you might want to try using one of the other transcoders, such as the free dvdshrink, to see if you can reproduce the problem. you should also always preview the output on your computer before burning it onto a dvd to make sure it works.


New member
AZImmortal said:
are you doing anything like only leaving in the DTS audio track (which is a problem if you don't have DTS-capable hardware)? and do you get sound when you try to play it on your computer?
hello iam new to dvd copying iam using DVD Shrink 3.1& nero 6 .out of 15 disc i copyed 4 had Picture and no sound can you plz help ?