no sound on svcd w/standalone player

I made my first attempt to make a svcd with DVD2SVCD. I used a tutorial similar to chickenman's but it was from a different site. Anyway, on the first try, I left the sound at 48khz and when the process finished I put it in my Philips 711 DVD player which has read my vcd's just fine. I got a great picture, but there was no sound. I played it with powerDVD XP on my computer and the sound worked just fine. I thought that maybe it was because I didn't convert the audio to 44.1, so I ran it through the program again, this time converting the audio to 44.1 and still no sound with my stand alone player. I was wondering if someone would have any ideas for me to try on the next go around. I was wondering if the mpegav option would work vs the mpeg2 which I used. As I said I am new to the svcd conversion process and I do not know much so any lay man's term help would be very appreciated. I left almost all of the options as defaults in the program. I used nero to burn the mpeg files and cdrwin 3.8g for the bin/cue files. Neither program gives me sound.

Try the disc on a friends player. Svcd can be a bit picky for some dvd players. Even some that should play em dont or not correctly!
Also I think this has come up before.
Try searching for svcd on the forum.
yes both geeks who replied are right on this (lol).
We do not know what methods you used though, so can't tell exactly if it is related to that tutorial or to your standalone player.

My recommendation is to junk the other tutorial (especially if it is from tomshardwarecrap (you know what I mean) & try using ChickenMan's tutorials. They will give you the best results.
However, standalone players (even the ones that claim they can play VCDs & SVCDS) are picky. They depend on many factors, like media used (CD-R discs or CD-RW) & what day of the month it is lol.
Perhaps if you listed the tut you used you would yield a much better response from everyone. Am not familiar with that philips player, but I do know that some of the other models sometimes skip in sound & such.
Good luck
Phillips DVD players would have to be one of the most fussy units when it comes to VCD and SVCD playback. Have you tried it in another brand of DVD Player?

I would suggest lowering the encoding bit rate abit and convert audio to 44.1.

As DVD2SVCD auto adjusts the bit rate, simply tell it the CD's you have are a bit smaller, or try putting them on 2x 74min instead of 2x80min CDR, for example. But drop in quality of pic may be to much, you just have to "suck it and see".
Thanks for the information, I have not been able to try chickenman's tutorial as of yet. The tutorial I used can be found at: h**p://w* it doesn't look much different than chickenmans. I'll try lowering the bitrate and see if my DVD player will handle it. I'm going to guess that it's just my DVD player, but I will check my disc in a friends player. I don't understand why my player will play a vcd, but not a svcd. I must say I was AMAZED by the difference in quality. I do have one additional question for anyone that will still look at this thread, I do adjust the bitrate? The bitrate tab is a little confusing, do I just change the minutes on the CD, or do I change the amount of CDs?
I'm sure my tutorials are similar to those at doom9, we both talk about the same program, just how to use it. I try to focus on the "newbie" they focus on the expert, thats all.

Yes it can be confusing the bitrate page. Just lower the CD size and it will lower the bitrate. Do it in row thats the length of the movie lies.