No forced subtitle with Kill Bill


New member
In kill bill you have forced subtitle so you can hear the sword maker talk to his apprentice. when i burned kill bill the forced sub arent there. though i have the english sub. selected before i burned. i check my decrypted copy and it has the forced sub. in it. how can i fix this
You didn't say what versions your using? Also I take it your using Laz's way, if not lets us know the steps on how your doing it. I'm using DVD Decrypter 3.2.0 and DVD Shrink 3.1.4 and I didn't have your problem. I also didn't change anything in either program to may it work. You may want to set defaults and try again. One more thing is it on your DVD player and pc that has your problem? Lets us know how you make out. :)


New member
I got Kill BIll to work

I had the same trouble with the first burn of Kill Bill. I just left all the Sub picture audio checked in the Shrink program. It worked for me that way.


New member
I had the same problem. If i go into the menu and select english sub titles they play. I just have to go into the movies menu and select it everytime. I burnt it 4 times before i figured it out.