Hi there, I'm a new member looking for some help. (I hope this is the correct place to post this , if not I apologise) As from yesterday I'm totally without audio on my pc, the speakers have been tested and are fine. I can neither play mp3's nor CD's from either of my drives or from the C drive, I've also tried streaming audio from online radio and video files (the video is fine just no audio along with it) The only sound I get is the system beeb at start-up. The only thing I can think of is that windows media player wanted to install some updates yesterday but couldn't as I had forgotten to put the system restore back on following a recent virus, I abandoned the updates as I was using the media player at the time. I also re-set the system restore. A bit long winded I know, just trying to give as much info as poss. Does anybody have any ideas?
tia Vinnie
tia Vinnie