Nice DVD Software Test

Interesting that they should say that the movie only Goonies shots look the same as the original, because the CloneDVD, DVDShrink and DVDxCopyxPress ones are identical for the first shot. The CloneDVD and DVDShrink are also identical for the second.

I seem to recall at certain compression levels DVDShrink did not compress I frames, P frames, etc. I guess they grabbed I frames. When grabbing frames you should probably make sure to grab a P or B frame.


They also used compression levels 9 + 10 when using DVD Shrink which is a big no-no. :D

Came as no big surprise though that IC7 is king of the hill, but DVD Shrink is still a great prog as long as you do not go beyond levels 4 + 5 on a disc IMO.
The other thing is that you really should use PNG's or similar for screen shots.

According to their screenshots DVDShrink actually came in second for the full copy of Goonies (2nd last for Gladiator), with DVD2One coming in last. DVD2One also comes last for Gladiator Then again you can't really compare them based on 2 frames.