New version of DVD2AVI released

A new version of DVD2AVI has been released, ver 1.77.1

Available from it home site at


Not many changes but should help those with P4's. Change log is:

DVD2AVI & VFAPI Plug-In 1.77.1

* launch Chinese/Japanese/English menu (dialog not yet) automatically

* The Pentium IV CPU benefits from the SSE2-optimized MPEG2 decoding.
editing avi files

How can I chop off a bit of an avi file that is too big to fit on a 700 cd. file is 702 and will not fit .tried a few cutting tools and somehow they always end up the same size when I put them together again.Dont know what editer to use like tmpg that lets you see what you are doing.Also sometimes when converting dvd to vcd get a message in nero that it needs to reconvert the file to make it compliant.Have used your tutorials which are most clear and instructive. The first few times I went over and repeated the whole process from the start, now I just let nero fix it and they work fine ,just more processing time. Thanks from another oz.
(and if you say my tag slowly you,ll know what I mean )
Welcome to the forum, hope you like your stay and yes I can understand your user name.

In future though can you please start a new thread in Troubleshooting as your topic has absolutely nothing to do with the opening topic of this thread. Thanks.
Yes sorry about that am unfamiliar with these forums and wasn,t sure where to post,as I have been following your tutorials I just posted where I saw your name.Will do as you suggest next time.Thanks