The best software .... doesn't exist!
Seriously, many of them will have their proponenents and opponents, some will work happily side by side on the same system, others won't.
The best DVD encoding is not generally found with the all in one programs - CCE (Cinemacraft Encoder) is reckoned to be one of the best, and comes in at 4 price levels ... Demo (free/logo-stamped), Basic, and then an expensive and a truly insane one.
The programs geared to Photos on CD & DVD, often do that better than a "do everything" program. - their demo versions may be worth looking at.
Finally, while there are a lot of Roxio-bashers around, Roxio EMC7 may well be the best of the all in one solutions - and it needs to be, as Roxio products are historically both troubled by and troublesome to any other CD/DVD writing software.
Final piece of advice - if you do not intend using drag and drop to a formatted CD-RW or DVD+/-RW (drive letter access) then DO NOT install the software component which provides it - and if you do try to use multiple software suites, only ONE drive laetter access component may be installed - preferably none, if you do not require the feature.
InCD (Nero), DirectCD/Drag to Disk (Roxio), InstantWrite (Instant CD/DVD) - and many others - each suite has its own drive letter access (packet writing) component, and the should either be optional in the main install, or a seperate install.