Almost forgotten
You do Audio CDs ?
I am do not know how much you are into this, but Yamaha released a new technology, called Audio Master.
Which improves the quality of audio CDs. This is really a niece feature, so if you mainly do audio CDs, you should think about a Yamaha burner.
the Plextor 40x has a feature like this as well, but the Yamaha burner is better for such a purpose !
For audio cds, I would suggest a Yamaha CRW 3200, costs here around 170 €
A review of this drive can be found here:
The LiteOn drive is here cheaper, around 140 €. Hmmz, yep ..
Audio Master is a nice feature, indeed, but if you are not a freak, the LiteOn will be find, and you better spare the money.
If you do care about quality, and want the best result, there is no way around Audio Master technology from Yamaha

Just one more thing to add: if you use the Audio Master feature for audio CDs, the burning speed is maxed at 4x as far as I know ..
Quality has its price and does take some time