new liteon 32x or cyberdrive 32x

Anybody here got/tried the CyberDrive CW058D 32x12x48x

It's a toss up on that, or the LiteOn 32x12x40x

I'm looking at buying one of these as they're similar in price
anybody's opinion on these would be helpful, thank you

I don't back up many games, but do audio
Hi bud...Go to w* Check out the hardware section for Cd-rw roundup#2, 32X writers.The Cyberdrive is reviewed there!:)

The Liteon is there under roundup #1 also.;)
thanx woody,

just what i was looking for, in fact the last paragraph sums it up:

"As it currently stands, the CyberDrive CW-058D and LiteOn LTR-32123S are the two most complete solutions. The CyberDrive offers increased reading speed, lower recording times and better handling of protected AudioCDs. The LiteOn LTR-32123S has proven SD2 compatibility and showed the better overall CloneCD reading performance. As always the choice is yours :)"


Staff member
Just have to add something:
A friend of mine had a CyberDrive CDROM some time ago.
It was crappy shit !
Really, he had to exchange it once a week, bcz it died all the time. After the first month he had enough, and did exchange it to an Teac reader.
I don´t know if CyberDrive does now better stuff, but be aware !

And LiteOn CDRoms and burners do have good quality. Many people are happy with them, so if I would you, I would choose the LiteOn ! :)


Staff member
Almost forgotten :p

You do Audio CDs ?
I am do not know how much you are into this, but Yamaha released a new technology, called Audio Master.
Which improves the quality of audio CDs. This is really a niece feature, so if you mainly do audio CDs, you should think about a Yamaha burner.
the Plextor 40x has a feature like this as well, but the Yamaha burner is better for such a purpose !

For audio cds, I would suggest a Yamaha CRW 3200, costs here around 170 €
A review of this drive can be found here:

The LiteOn drive is here cheaper, around 140 €. Hmmz, yep ..

Audio Master is a nice feature, indeed, but if you are not a freak, the LiteOn will be find, and you better spare the money.
If you do care about quality, and want the best result, there is no way around Audio Master technology from Yamaha :)
Just one more thing to add: if you use the Audio Master feature for audio CDs, the burning speed is maxed at 4x as far as I know ..
Quality has its price and does take some time :)
Thanx N.B., read the review on the Yamaha, sounds really good, however I did a search on the price here in Australia and the cheapest I could find it is AU$488. Anyway I bought the CyberDrive a couple of days ago for AU$215 (LiteOn was AU$235).

I agree with you re: the CyberDrive - I owned a 24x CyberDrive CDRom, can't remember how long back it was, but it was so poor at reading many discs I sold it to someone else. My friend has a LiteOn CDrom drive with no probs.

This time I thought I'd buy the CyberDrive burner mainly due to the review Woody mentioned and another couple I found. Seems they all agree that it's the fastest 32x burner at the moment and pretty good speeds at DAE. Downloaded the latest firmware (V100D) and so far burned 5 CD's with it - 2 CD's are rated @ 16x (ProDisc) and the other 3 @ 12x (CMC) and according to the Readme with the new firmware - you can burn these at 32x no prob. So I burned all five @ 32x speed and I was impressed!

First CD was 20 MP3 tracks (78 mins) into a Audio CD using Nero - took 3mins45secs. But the most impressive thing was how quiet this drive was as it was doing its job. I have 2 other CD-Rom Drives and a DVD Drive in my tower and this drive is the quietest of the lot. Anyway, I thought burning a 12x rated blank at 32x speed might not only not work but if it did the sound quality may be crap or you'll get clicks in between some tracks - but no, all was fine - CD's played perfectly, sounded great in all the CDrom drives and home stereo!

Also the Buffer never once dropped or did I get any "Medium Error" as opposed to the Ricoh 12x burner I replaced, where the buffer constantly would drop to the point where JustLink would always have to cut in thus extending the burn process.