New member
Hi guys,
Nice to be here as this looks like a place for a guy like me with a lot of questions. I thought I was a rather intelligent individual until I bought a 'puter a few years back, lol.
To make a long story short <don't think i've ever managed that>, i've bought my first dvd burner and actually managed to rip and burn a few dvd's.
All bought and paid for, of course.
I'm now in the process of trying to figure out how to convert mpg files into dvd compliant files and even managed to create the TS_VIDEO/AUDIO folders but my audio was out of sync. Soooo, in the process of doing more googling, I ran onto your forum. Having said that, thanks for having me and i'm off to the rest of the forums to see what I can see.
Nice to be here as this looks like a place for a guy like me with a lot of questions. I thought I was a rather intelligent individual until I bought a 'puter a few years back, lol.
To make a long story short <don't think i've ever managed that>, i've bought my first dvd burner and actually managed to rip and burn a few dvd's.
All bought and paid for, of course.
I'm now in the process of trying to figure out how to convert mpg files into dvd compliant files and even managed to create the TS_VIDEO/AUDIO folders but my audio was out of sync. Soooo, in the process of doing more googling, I ran onto your forum. Having said that, thanks for having me and i'm off to the rest of the forums to see what I can see.