New harddrive

Tis a nice drive, have one..

Smooth baby it is, Roadworker, picked one up a few weeks back... regards to the 8mb cache, I've been told to disable caching when capturing video, is this right or wrong.. also, will the drive performance be affected if partitioned into 5 equal parts..? in case some app or other is monitoring the drive..



I have had 2 of the 80 Gig version of the same drive for 6 months now. Cost me $85 USD each with a rebate. They see a great deal of use on a video editing system. I have them in RAID configuration. They are quiet and best of all FAST! So I heartily recommend them ;)
I removed my Maxtor's in favour of 'em, as you said dxkim.. quiet and reliable, I didn't hear much about 'em beforehand, it was just a price thing with me..

Hey roadworker,

In another thread entitled "configuration" I read that you and dxkim have you hard drives connected to an ATA controller card, and the optical drives use the Primary IDE. The hard drives you guys have are large WDs with the 8MB cache.

I have 2 drives as well: IBM 40GB and a WD 80GB with 8MB cache. My two optical drives share the secondary IDE. Would it benefit me to connect the hard drives to a controller card? And then connect the opticals to the primary IDE channel?
Wedge If all U got is 4 IDE tingies my advice is dont bother but if U want more than yes do it.
I tried Raid & had nothing but trouble but Im a non expert.

I would add that if U keep only 4 that U have hard drives as Masters & optical drives as slaves .
Wedge said:
Hey roadworker,

In another thread entitled "configuration" I read that you and dxkim have you hard drives connected to an ATA controller card, and the optical drives use the Primary IDE. The hard drives you guys have are large WDs with the 8MB cache.

I have 2 drives as well: IBM 40GB and a WD 80GB with 8MB cache. My two optical drives share the secondary IDE. Would it benefit me to connect the hard drives to a controller card? And then connect the opticals to the primary IDE channel?

I did it,because I ran out of connections...;)...if you have some spare money,the theoretical fastest combination would be:both harddrives connected to a controller card,each on it's own channel as master,and the same for your opticals:1 on the primary master and 1 on the secondary master.......
That way,there's no influence of another/slower drive on the same connection... all will run at it's own max speed rate......


roadworker said:
the theoretical fastest combination would be: both harddrives connected to a controller card, each on it's own channel as master,and the same for your opticals:1 on the primary master and 1 on the secondary master.......
For the record, this is exactly what I do with the exception that that I have two HDs in RAID config.