new dvd disc question


New member
when i burn to a new dvd clone dvd says insert blank disc (the disc is blank) so then i have to open roxio to do a quick format or copy something to the blank then go back to clone dvd and it works says erasing files and some sort of the disc has files on it or already formmatted then copy's fine the prob is what if i want to use a disc that is not rw then clone dvd will not be able to erase or or write over this .... am i missing something here or is it roxio lost
sounds to me like it has to do with roxio. try disabling or uninstalling the roxio software, and see if it still happens with clonedvd.

use periods in ur posts to make them easier to read.


New member
yea same thing i guess there would be no way for me to copy to a dvd without rewrite because the only way i was able to burn was writing to it first then elby would erase then write unless there is a good dvd formatter


New member
Have you tried NOT burning with CloneDVD, maybe use Roxio or Nero after CloneDVD is done with the files... that way you wouldn't have this problem, there's an option inside the program where you can select/deselect to delete files after process of backingup is completed...

1) Deselect this option
2) Hit "Cancel" when Clone asks for a blank disc
3) Go to explorer and find the files clone created for you to make sure they are still there
4) Burn with Roxio or Nero


New member
yea i hit cancel after it asked for the disk and just keeps popping up unless i write to disk first then it rewrites and works i tried roxio slow ass hell but will give nero a shot, i just used clone because from what i read it was voted for copying the best, maybe not i dont know if you can really tell the diff, what version of nero do you recomend and does nero work with win98, i thought i had a prob. before using nero for other cdr's, thanks brett