New DVD Authoring Software...

Because I want to make my first ever home made DVD I was travelling on the Internet searching for information about DVD Authoring software. I would like to share the following interesting news about 2 new software to be released in the near future:

1. DVDLab (by Mediachance)

DVDlab is my answer to the many DVD authoring packages out there which all try to restrict user or put him in a box of pre-canned DVD templates.

I think that most of the consumer DVD authoring tools really underestimate users by holding their hands tight while guiding them through the DVD authoring process. In world where I live pre-school boys and girls don't buy DVD burners nor produce DVD movies (yet), they are busy with other things (Fishers Price Little People anybody?). So my question is: Why most of the DVD authoring software tries to appeal to them so badly?

Then there is the higher level of authoring tools which needs months of training and another mortgage to obtain it.

I decided to write a DVD authoring tool which will combine a modern professional interface with easy to use approach, it wouldn't be hard to learn and it will give the user the freedom to create what they want.

more info: DVDLab (Mediachance)

2. Encore (High end DVD authoring software by Adobe)

I read this news on Very good news site!

Adobe is another software company that sees the importance and big potential of the DVD industry. The company mainly known because of its high end graphics software PhotoShop will now also enter the DVD market with high end DVD authoring software. The company was already active on the DVD authoring market with their Adobe Premier software, but Encore, as the new software is called, should be offering a lot more functionality.

Learn more: CDFreaks article

When released I will definitely test drive these new software.
Hope one of them fullfills my needs (a simple but effective en feature riched dvd authoring program).