New Console

Ok christmas is coming up and im aloud to get a new console yay! But which one? PS2 is hard to chip and expensive to chip but has better games, The Xbox is easy and cheap to chip but games arent as good so im undecided and the Gamecube I tryed one at EB no way the controllers feel like cheap @$$ plastic and the games arent very crash hot at all and you cant back up there games :D
My nephew has both the X-box and the Playstation 2. My opinion is the X-Box seems too much like a high end pc.. whereas the Playstation 2 seems more fun overall.

Add the fact that the X-box games aren't as good on whole as the Playstation 2.. and I think you know what I'd pick.
well of the 3 gc is best by far, but since you discout that i'd have to say ps2 as the ps2 has games that are worth getting, wheras the xbox realy doesnt have anything to offer that you cant already do better on the pc
Hmmm only thing im wondering about is with the PS2 is getting on in years how long untill the PS3 ?
Why, just look how psone served well over the years :)

I bet ps3 will come out earlier due to console war but I still say you won't regret buying ps2 :)

PS2. Hardawre is well built.

I wonder how many xbox hdd can survive a few years.

I still find very old second hand ps1 available in market - and still they work...