Networking: windows 98 & windows 2000 pro ?? need help

Thanks for reading.

Having problems with 2 computers, a laptop windows 98 and a desktop windows 2000 pro.
They are networked together using a wireless system. If I use the desktop, click on "my network places" and then "computers near me" I can see the laptop, access it, copy files, delete files, transfer files to it, etc. But when I go to the laptop and try to access the desktop computer I don't get any where, clicking on "network neighbourhood" then "entire network" I receive a message saying something along the lines of the server could not be found, check network settings. Obviously both sides of the network are functioning correctly other wise I wouldn't be able to access the laptop using the desktop computer. When it comes to networking I prefer windows 2000 pro or windows xp, as it's so easy to use but I am unfamilar with networking using windows 98 and would appreciate some help. What I'm looking at doing is having a short cut on the laptop which takes me to either the entire contents of the desktop computer's hard drive or certain programs that are installed on the desktop computer.

Any help would be useful.
Thanks in advance...

....DreeM :)
first, you must add your win98 in the authorised users of your win2k desktop : go to the control panel, select users/password and select advanced option in the advanced users panel. it's open then users / groups console.
Create your new user (which the same ident as your win98) and add it into the administrators group (know this is not really secure but it gave you full access, just for test).
You can add a network drive map on your win98 by using the cmd
: net use X: \\networkdesktopname\c$ . if ok, you should have full access to the desktop c: drive. your C: will be mapped as a network drive X: on your win98.
You can adjust rights of the new user/group and add acl on disk (if ntfs formatted) if you want to limit access on specified files or folders to this user (and only him!). recommanded if your computer have an adsl connexion .......
hope this one could help you!