NO NO NO you mean easy cd cremator for coasters i hate and detest the darn program never have liked it only used it a couple of times trashed disks gave up because it crashed my system over and over took it off never had any bother since!!
I use NERO for HD/partition backup and general file backups as i find it quick and easy but ive been using it since version 3.x lol so its an easy to use program ! i dont like nero express it looks like a kids toy thing for beginners only and they dropped the HD/partition backup so im on
I use CLONE for most duplications of general stuff !
I use CD MATE for bin and cue files after i had probs with CDRWIN and recently been using CD MATE for safe disk 2 stuff just because its there lol but CLONE does that too i spose lol !!
I use EAC for ripping audio occasionally Audiocatalyst depending on what cds as some are protected i also use PLEX TOOLS
I use CD mage for image files and iso buster !
I also use CDR Diagnostic for cd data recovery if the disk is bad that i want data off (sometimes happens when u get disks of other people!! lol
and i use MAKE cdrom for auto run compilations and use that with nero to make auto booting cds because thats what im used to lol !
I have other software but these are the main ones lol !!