Nero v5.5.10.20. is Out

Cheers 4 da info.Me gettin it the now, but me will wait 2 see if it works ok first, so it not goin on till i know more:D

LTR12101B said:
Wait until they discover what they screwed up THIS time!
I think it's well worth downloading: they cannot make it worse than the last release, no matter how good "reverse bugfixers" they are... :rolleyes:
Am using previous release ( and have found no probs 'till yet. Don't see a reason not to download this release and test it myself... :)
I'll test it and let you guys know what I think, because I'm still having the sound issues when I burn audio cd's.. I listen to music in my truck and the volume goes down during songs.. it's really annoying..

It's a newer truck, so I have no idea if it's the burner or not, but I have tons of cd's I've burned in the past that work fine even in the new cd-player, so I'm assuming it's a 'nero issue'.
JeRrYFaR said:
... the volume goes down during songs.. it's really annoying..
Had same problems with CD's burned from variable bitrate mp3's. No problems here with volume...