Nero plugin for Windows media palyer 9


New member
I downloaded songs from They are encrypted wma files. I have updated wmp9 and nero 6 to I cannot burn to a cd the wma files using nero. When trying to burn through wmp 9 and using nero plug in I get a message nero cannot copy the file because it is encrypted. Will nero not work on encrypted files? If not then what is used to burn a cd through wmp9?
Hi ranger_cole, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

the Nero WMA decoder should be included in Nero 6;
anyway there is a plugin downloadable too:

But are you sure you purchased the rights to burn the music back to an Audio CD? So it could be DRMS problem too?

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You need a tool which can bypass the DRM encryption. I know that one: provided that you DO have the DRM licence files.
But I've never actually used it, not into that stupid .wma patented mish-mash at all, I prefer free formats.
The free solution is playing back with WMP and recording in tandem the soundcard output, but this is clearly not ideal, quality-wise.
WMP 9 itself might be able to burn some of them to audioCD either directly or via the Nero plugin (depends on the licence type), not sure though.
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To play/record with NO additional analog loss, a product such as "Total Recorder" ($11.95 standard edition) or "Virtual Audio Cable" (OUCH! - $49.00) may be useful - they grab the data stream on the way to the sound card.

After looking up those prices, NOW I know why I hear more about TR than VAC

It's a pity there's no freeware to do the same - essentially it would be a software soundcard driver that could spool output to disk...

Winamp + WMA plugin might be another path, if it can handle protected, and if it doesn't disable the diskwriter output plugin while playing protected.

PS. There was also a tool called UNF**K (fill in the blanks, like in Beckham's text messages) which handled one (earlier?) version of WMA encryption, and some other attempts at defeating other versions - they may well have been hounded off the net by legal action - but it is for the old version, Rights Manager V6.

PS. NO, absolutely NO, direct links to anything like that here please - bad for the forum, bad for the site
Google is your friend.