Nero Express - burns then crashes

Any advice on this problem...

Using a new Liteon 52/34/52 I am trying to back up data from my hard drive - everything appears to burn fine, the progress window says successfully completed and then....there is no final pop-up comfirmation and my computer crashes. After restarting if you try to use the 'burned' CD, again it crashes my system. I have sucessfully burned an audio CD direct from my CD rom drive so I guess that means it's not a hardware problem.

I have tried burning at 24x and 34x to see if it was a speed issue but just got the same result.

(my system is not great only 300mhz processor 128mb ram 6gig HD - running windows 98)

ANY HELP PLEASE! I'm getting a coaster mountain.
If that's a bundle version restricted to Express, I feel sorry for you....

Express doesn't even get as far as burning for me.

If you have a choice, use standard, not express - something is just not right with express - and it was a dark day when they started lumbering bundle customers with that insult - mine is a bundle (you can guess which drive for!) - and can do both - though Express is 2/2 system crashes for me, while standard burns like a trooper.

PS. What version?
Some had BAD Win98 bugs - I believe (current) is ok, but some in the 5.5.10 were most definitely NOT
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