Nero causes PC crash

I have just loaded Nero 5.5 (all programms on the CD) and while Nero seems to work fine, my PC keeps crashing when I use the internet. This never happened when I used EasyCd 5 which I uninstalled prior to insalling Nero. I have Win 98 SE. I have uninstalled Nero in order to use the internet again. Any help appreciated.
i think you will maby find that its most PROLLY easy cd creator thats fluffed up your system as it has a tendency of doing that to a lot of systems out there :( :mad: :(
VIPER_1069 said:
i think you will maby find that its most PROLLY easy cd creator thats fluffed up your system as it has a tendency of doing that to a lot of systems out there :( :mad: :(
Thanks for the quick reply. Any suggesstions on how I should fix the proble. Easy Cd is now removed from my system.
try reinstalling your ASPI layer again search the forum for "ASPI" (no quotes) and use the FORCE ASPI program to reinstall your aspi drivers :)


howardg6 said:
Easy Cd is now removed from my system.
Actually it isn't! Easy CD Creator is famous for leaving peices of itself all over your computer. These peices then conflict with another CDR software (Nero is a a common one). Out of frustration you uninstall the old program and reinstall Easy CD and suddenly the problem goes away. Rather convenient isn't it?! :rolleyes: Any wonder why most of us hate this CDR proggie around here?!

There used to be an extellent tutorial/guide that helped you manually remove the extra files and the registry settings, but my link is way out of date. Perhaps a kind soul around here has an updated one?

BTW, did you install and if so are you still using DirectCD?
I just had the same prob again with Nero6.0.0.9.... It was that @#$ INCD again. Packet writing CD sw should be outlawed to that fake Fake Man in the Moon thread imho....


Yep ipdave, you are prolly right. If you do not need to use packet writing software then do not install it IMO. Seems to be the reason why Stomp RNM warns you about uninstalling Nero too, ic Cd & Dla clashing. And we all know the results of Direct CD & In-CD on a system - BANG!!! :D