Nero 6 - OGG Plugin?

I guess they may be recompiled with the new SDK - assuming Ahead still support a plugin development SDK in V6 ( it would be a huge step backward if they didn't )

If V5.5 and V6 are that different though, it would probably mean 2 versions - unless the V6 SDK is backward compatible

Just looked again, refreshed, and it says they've been tested with Nero

Do you have the May 12/13/16 versions from here (versions / 27)
If you have an "ALL" bundle from there, it must be too old - as the number of plugins increased, they stopped the "ALL".
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All the plugins for Nero 5 works with Nero 6. The only problem is that Nero 6 requires plugins to be in a different directory as noted on the nx Nero plugins webpage. Put the plugins in
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\AudioPlugins
and they'll work.