Nero 5.5 InCD 4 - XP errors on shutdown

Just installed Nero 5.5 and InCD 4. I now get serious errors when XP Pro shuts down. It then reboots, checks my hard disks, and sends a diagnostic file to Microsoft. The Microsoft diagnosis suggests some sort of driver problem.

Has anyone seen this before and knows a resolution ?

Hi & Welcome 2 the forum:)

Well i wouldn't use InCD4 as it just a new prog that is still slighty betaish & is really ment 2 be used in conjuntion with nero 6

Try removin it & usin version 3 2 see if that solves the problem

Thanks for the reply. I don't have InCD 3. InCD 4 came on the CD with Nero 5.5, so presumably they are supposed to work together.

I emailed Ahead Software two days ago about this problem - no response as yet. Are they always this slow ?
Installing incd is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.........So many godd reasons to ditchit can be found with a search button...And now a solution.........Do not never...and i mean...."""NEVER"""""install any packetwriter :)