Neewbie question / Runtime Error 13 - V1.3.7


New member
Neewbie question

I got Instant copy - and i am trying to follow a guide to split a 3 hour dvd into 2 with the help of dvdfab and instantcopy and some hidden instant copy settings.
I got VB runtime 6 - and i am using Win xp

But if i click the Instant copy settings exe file i get
Runtime error 13
Type mitscmatch :mad:

I got the latest version of both instant copy and iinstantcopysettings

What am i doing wrong

Please help a newbei to the dvd split area :p



New member
Runtime Error 13 - V1.3.7

Hi there,

I was reading tutorials online in creating dvd copies and a guide said that instant copy produced the best quality (which this editor). So I ventured out to find this and downloaded the latest version (V1.3.7) and I cannot even start the program due to a runtime error (you know the one). I read up on the board and checked the readme included, it said it has been resolved =/ I don't wanna be a pain but any clue on how to resolve this (again)? Is there another version of the runtime I can get perhaps?

Win Xp w/ Sp1

Thanks for your help.


New member
oops sorry about repeat

Lobo_DK just said my prob this morning, sorry for duplicate post (he didn't have in heading so I didn't read it)

My bad ;)
Fatchance said:
Hi there,

I was reading tutorials online in creating dvd copies and a guide said that instant copy produced the best quality (which this editor). So I ventured out to find this and downloaded the latest version (V1.3.7) and I cannot even start the program due to a runtime error (you know the one). I read up on the board and checked the readme included, it said it has been resolved =/ I don't wanna be a pain but any clue on how to resolve this (again)? Is there another version of the runtime I can get perhaps?

Win Xp w/ Sp1

Thanks for your help.
Have a look at here:

MadGuy had attached a reg cleaner of IC settings Editor. Just run it to clean all the saved reg settings and restart the program. Worked for me!


New member
Did it, didn't wokr =/

I'm sorry to say that the above registry file for me was not a success.

Where to now?

(I can't even start it up, just the error message pops up and that's it)

Threads merged, since they are about the same topic!

O.K. I F**KED UP here!

I managed to replace one Error 13 with another!
This only occurs on system where no previous Version of InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor has been used! The Error lies within the code which should prevent the Error 13 present in previous releases!

I'll release a BugFixed Version later tonight! Until then i attached a RegFile which will solve this problem for you! Just add the .reg file to your registry and InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.7. should start with no error!

Sorry 'bout that Guys 'n' Girls!
Hadnt been tested on a clean system with no registry settings present,
only on such producing the previously mentioned error 13 :(
But that one is fixed, promised :D

@VILLA21, thnx for trying to help here, but the registry file that solved your problem, wont do any good here, since the error happens somewhere else on the programm! But your attempt is highly appreciated by me!




New member
TheMadGuy said:
Threads merged, since they are about the same topic!

O.K. I F**KED UP here!

I managed to replace one Error 13 with another!
This only occurs on system where no previous Version of InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor has been used! The Error lies within the code which should prevent the Error 13 present in previous releases!

I'll release a BugFixed Version later tonight! Until then i attached a RegFile which will solve this problem for you! Just add the .reg file to your registry and InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.3.7. should start with no error!

Sorry 'bout that Guys 'n' Girls!
Hadnt been tested on a clean system with no registry settings present,
only on such producing the previously mentioned error 13 :(
But that one is fixed, promised :D

@VILLA21, thnx for trying to help here, but the registry file that solved your problem, wont do any good here, since the error happens somewhere else on the programm! But your attempt is highly appreciated by me!


Thx Bud - it worked for me now.......
Great service man :)
You are welcome Guys!
Trying to provide the best help that i can!

New Version delays for a day, cause i just came home and it's already past 01:00 and i really need to get some sleep!

Glad to see happy members ..
Still any problem please post full details in this forum. This way TheMadGuy can try and do his best to help you guy's...
@TheMadGuy nice work once again bro. :)
Glad to see happy members ..
Still any problem please post full details in this forum. This way TheMadGuy can try and do his best to help you guy's...
@TheMadGuy nice work once again bro. :)
Ya know, i'd do almost anything to please them :D :D :D

@ALL who experienced this problem:
V1.3.8 of InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor is available and no longer has this bug.

